• Develop preventive care services for individuals' complete physical and mental state of wellbeing with a multisectoral approach in order to address individual, social, biological and physical environments.
• Promote healthy lifestyles and deliver more accessible, relevant, effective and efficient healthcare.
• Develop approaches which address the effectiveness of clinical interventions and safety and satisfaction of patients and providers.
• Develop a patient referral which supports sustainability of care and enhances the effectiveness of secondary and tertiary care.
• Raise awareness of health professionals and citizens on rational drug use and control quality, utilization and cost-effectiveness of drugs and medical devices.
• Increase the quantity and quality of the health workforce by taking into account of the demographic trends and new professions that might be required in the long term.
• Clearly define the roles of university hospitals in training & research and care delivery and introduce reforms which will maintain financial sustainability of hospitals and enable high quality medical education and innovative research.
• Set the quality and safety standards on treatments, herbal products and providers involved in complementary medicine and to put supervision mechanisms in place in this field. Integrate complementary medicine into medical education and healthcare practices and support scientific studies in this field.
• Raise awareness of consumers on adequate and balanced diets. Expand consumption of animal products and water products.
• Ensure the generation of standardized, high-quality and internationally comparable data in order to develop health policies driven by data and evidence.