Medium Term Program (MTP) which initiates the budget process and covers the period of 2015-2017 is designed to launch the necessary breakthrough to achieve the 2023 goals on a more competitive and innovative ground. The articles of the Medium term Program which pertain to the Ministry of Health are provided below.
Public Expenditure Policy
· Investments to be made within the scope of PPP schemes will be planned by taking into account the impact of contractual liabilities on public finances.
· In order to prevent unnecessary utilization, expenditures on drugs, medical equipment and treatment will be rationalized without compromising the quality of health services.
· Auditing models will be developed based on previous behaviors of healthcare providers; software, hardware and education infrastructure will be strengthened in the fields of risk analysis and data mining.
Public Investment Policy
· Priority in public investments including PPP contracts will be given to education, health, drinking water & sewerage, science & technology, informatics, transportation and irrigation sectors.
· Design and management capacities of institutions which extensively use the PPP model will be strengthened and coordination of PPP policies and practices will be enhanced.
Click the link below for the Medium Term Program for the years 2015-2017.