The Health Transformation Program has increased the quality of services and access to care considerably. In this regard, improvements have been achieved in several areas including family medicine, maternal and child health, number of hospitals and beds, health professionals, preventive care, institutional organization, prevention of communicable diseases and patient rights.
These improvements have certainly reflected positively on main health indicators such as reduced maternal and infant rates and increased life expectancy at birth. However, there are still gaps in addressing the discrepancies of physical infrastructure and health workforce distribution in urban and rural areas. Between 2002 and 2013, the number of healthcare visits per capita rose from 3,2 to 8,2, number of health professionals from 378 thousand to 735 thousand and immunization rate from 77% to 98%. Consequently, satisfaction rates regarding health services increased to 74.7% in 2013.
Goal and Objectives
The goal is to increase the quality of life and life expectancy of citizens and help them participate in social and cultural life as active and healthy individuals. For this, it is essential to have an accessible, quality, cost-effective and sustainable healthcare delivery supported with policies driven by data and evidence. Therefore, the objective is to strengthen preventive care as a priority and improve effectiveness of primary care, meet the needs of the personnel and infrastructure and balance distribution countrywide, improve accessibility, effectiveness and quality of care at the same time respecting the principles of equality, equity and patient rights and create rational drug use mechanisms.
Policies and Measures
The goal is to increase the quality of life and life expectancy of citizens and help them participate in social and cultural life as active and healthy individuals. For this, it is essential to have accessible, quality, cost-effective and sustainable healthcare delivery supported with policies driven by data and evidence.
Measure 34. Add indicators on quality and effectiveness of care to the performance-based supplementary payment system of Ministry of Health (MoH) and university hospitals.
Measure 35. Raise public awareness on noncommunicable diseases.
Measure 36. Extend the scope and strengthen the capacity of emergency care.
Measure 37. Raise health literacy about zoonotic diseases.
Develop approaches which address the effectiveness of clinical interventions and safety and satisfaction of patients and providers.
Measure 38. Expand the Central Hospital Appointment System throughout the country.
Measure 39. Develop national standards for clinical quality programs and service delivery in order to raise quality of services and safety and satisfaction of patients and providers.
Raise awareness of health professionals and citizens regarding rational drug use and control quality, utilization and cost-effectiveness of drugs and medical devices.
Measure 40. Conduct awareness-raising activities and develop a curricula to expand rational drug use and set up a monitoring and evaluation system.
Increase the quantity and quality of the health workforce by taking account of demographic trends and new professions that might be required in the long term.
Measure 41. Complete the Strategic Plan on Health Human Resources.
Set quality and safety standards on treatments, herbal products and providers involved in complementary medicine and put control in place in this field. Integrate complementary medicine into medical education and healthcare practices and support scientific studies in this field.
Measure 42. Develop the necessary legislation on traditional and complementary medicine and design licensing and audit services.
It ensures the generation of standardized, high-quality and internationally comparable data in order to develop health policies driven by evidenced based data
Measure 43. Develop monitoring and evaluation systems for primary care.
Program for Improving Medical Tourism
Measure 44. Develop and revise the necessary legislation on medical tourism and create statistical infrastructure.
Measure 45. Create a medical tourism coordination board.
Healthy Life and Physical Activity Program
Measure 46. Raise awareness on the prevention of obesity and diabetes and implement healthy nutrition programs for children of school age.
Measure 47. Expand the scale of the screening of common cancers and develops a cancer registration system for monitoring cancers.
Measure 48. Reduce consumption of tobacco, alcohol and other addictive substances and prevent passive exposure.
Measure 49. Strengthen the treatment and rehabilitation services for substance users.
Measure 50. Improve the quality and quantity of mental health services.
Priority Transformation Program to Improve Medical Tourism
Measure 363. Assess the thermal resource potential and develop a map of regional indications on the utilization of thermal resources for treatment purposes.
Click the link below for the annual programs published by the Ministry of Development.