Minister Koca shared the first babies of the new year, who were born in Hatay, Gaziantep, Adıyaman, Izmir and Kocaeli, on his social media account. Minister Fahrettin Koca wished a happy new year to Muhammed Alparslan, born as the child of İpek and Mehmet in Gaziantep City Hospital, to Muhammet Talha, baby of Fethiye and Adem born in Hatay Defne State Hospital, to Doruk Ayaz, baby of Seher and Onur born in Adıyaman Training and Research Hospital, to Yüsra, baby of Sultaniye and Uğur born in İzmir City Hospital, and to Aybike, born to Şule and Mustafa in Kocaeli City Hospital, and their families. The tweet also included images of the first babies of the new year. You can see related videos here:
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